Institut für Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelle Studien

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Frühere Forschungsaufenthalte am IMIS (2000 - 2023)
Former guests at IMIS (2000 - 2023)

Alrich, Amy, Columbus, Institute for Defence Analysis, Alexandria, VA, USA. Dissertation project „The persistence of Prussia: Intergration Experiences in the postwar Germanies“ (Okt. 1998 - July 1999; Sept. - Dec. 2000)

Amenda, Dr. Lars, Forschungsstelle für Zeitgeschichte, Hamburg. Publikationsprojekt zu Chinesenvierteln in Westeuropa (August-December 2008)

Atak, Idil, Prof. Dr., Department of Criminology, Ryerson University, Toronto/Canada 
(November 2019 im Rahmen des Austauschs mit der Ryerson University)

Aivazishvili-Gehne, Dr. Nino, Ethnologie, Research Center for the History of Transformations (RECET)
Universität Wien, Forschungsprojekt: The search for the "good life" in Germany (Osnabrück) (2021)

Babić, Bojana, HU Berlin, FFVT-Fellow, PhD-Project: Economic practices of displaced Syrians in Istanbul and Cairo (Dez 2022-Feb 2023)

Breugel, Ilona van, PhD candidate, Erasmus University Rotterdam, NL, Department of Public Administration (DPAS), Research group "Dynamics of Migration and Diversity Policymaking" with Prof.dr. Peter Scholten, PhD research on the governance of immigrant integration (Nov.-Dez. 2018)

Brickenstein, Christine, Macquarie University, NSW, Australia. Dissertation project "A comparative analysis of seasonal worker programmes in selected European countries in contrast to a potential seasonal worker programme between Australia and the Pacific Islands" (Cotutelle) (October/November 2011 and August/September 2012)

Bunch, Michael, University of Colorado, Project on: Post-WWII Germany, the settlement of displaced persons and Heimatlose Ausländer, (Sept. 2022-February 2023)

Caestecker, Dr. Frank, Modern History, Ghent University/Belgium. Publication project "A Global Approach to Jews Fleeing Nazi Germany (1933-1941)" (Sept. 1996 - March 1998; July/August 2001; April-June 2013)

Capros, Dr. Iulia, History; Pedagogic University in Chisinau, Republic of Moldau. Postdoc-project: "›Brain Drain‹ und ›Brain Gain‹: Der Fall Moldova (Republik Moldau), 1991-2001" (2011-2013)

Cooper, Duncan, Keele University/GB, Sociology. Dissertation project „An Investigation into the Effects of Immigration on German National Identity post 1945" (2004-2010)

Coşkun, Bezen, Assoc. Prof. Dr., TED University Ankara. Project: "Women Peace and Security Agenda, Women Refugees and National Refugee Regimes" (March-June 2022)

Dahinden, Janine, Prof. Dr., Université de Neuchâtel, Transnational Studies / Head of MAPS, Research Fellow (Profillinie Migrationsgesellschaften) am IMIS: Jan. and May, 2019

Dedeoğlu, Saniye, Prof. Dr., Mugla University. Project: "Gendering Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: The Case of Syrian Women in Turkey" (June-Sept 2022)

Demuth, Dr. Carolin, Aalborg University, Psychology and Communication (Jan.-March 2013)

Di Muzio, Giorgia, Ph.D., University of Bologna, Italy. Post-doc-project: "International migration in the global society, particularly about the role of female migrants and the feedbacks on the origin family structures" (October 2011 - February 2012)

Doerschler, Dr. Peter, Assist. Professor of Political Science, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, projekt: Regional Voting of Ethnic Minorities in Germany (June-Dec 2016)

Erdilmen, Merve, McGill University Toronto. Project: "Gender mainstreaming practices of refugee-led community organizations (RLCOs) in the areas of protection and refugee status determination at municipal level in Turkey" (Sept-Dec 2022)

Espahanghizi, Dr. Kijan, Zentrum »Geschichte des Wissens«, ETH & Universität Zürich (Sommer 2021),

Fetzer, Joel, Ph.D, Pepperdine University, Malibu/California. Research project: "Anti-Deutsche Ausländerpolitik, anti-deutsche Gewalt und die Eingliederung der Deutsch-Amerikaner, 1900-1933") (January - May 2001; October - December 2007)

Fischer, Dr. Stefanie, Zentrum Jüdische Studien Berlin-Brandenburg (mehrfach seit 2012)

Fisher, Ellen, Columbia University, New York. Dissertation project „The New Citizen Law of the Federal Republic of Germany“ (October 2006 - July 2007)

Forsén, Dr. Annette, Historikerin, Universität Helsinki/Finnland, Projekt: Transmigration in Finnland und Schweden in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts (Sept.-Dez. 2017)

Fusco, Alex, Dr., FFVT-Fellow Geography, Sussex University, Project: The Production of Camp Space: An Ethnography of a Refugee Camp in Mainland Greece (Oct-Dez 2023)

Gevorgyan, Sona, DAAD-Promotionsstipendiatin, Staatliche Universität Eriwan/Armenien, Soziologie. Dissertationsprojekt: ›Berufliche Integration hochqualifizierter armenischer Einwanderer in Deutschland‹ (2013-2016)

González-Martín, Beatriz, Universität Almería/Spanien. PhD project: „The impact of the crisis in the Spanish construction sector on immigrant and native workerss“ (April - August 2012)

Güngördü, Feriha Nazda, PhD, Çankaya University, Ankara, FFVT-Fellow, Project: "Refugees’ housing strategies under precarious conditions and policy/political gaps in migration and asylum governance: Critical evaluation of the Turkish Context" (15.1.-15.4.2023)

Guziuk-Tkacs, Dr. Marta, Pädagogin, Ermländisch-Masurische Universität Allenstein (April 2014) 

Harutyunyan, Martun, University of Yerewan / Armenia. PhD project „Armenische Zuwanderung in die Bundesrepublik Deutschland“ (October 2006 - July 2007)

Healy, Taylor, Boston College/USA. Research project on the EU enlargement (October 2004 - February 2005)

Hicks, Bethany, Michigan State University, Department of History. PdD Project „Internal Migration after German Reunification“ (September 2008 - July 2009)

Hirai, Susumu, Prof., Otaru University, Japan. Forschungsprojekt zum Thema „Ländliche Gesellschaft Nordwest­deutschlands - Niederlassungsrecht im 19. Jahrhundert“ (October 2002 - September 2004)

Hoffmann, Christhard, Prof. Dr., Department of History, University of Bergen / Norway. Research project „Practices of Exclusion: Xenophobic Movements and the State“ (October 2006)

Hofmann, Dr. Susanne, IMIS-Gastprofessorin für ›Gender und Migration‹ (Okt. 2016-Jul. 2017)

Ireland, Patrick R., Prof. PhD, Illinois Instiute for Social Sciences, Chicago/USA. Research project „Migration and Health Policy. Comparing policy responses to migrants living with HIV/AIDS in a selection of European cases“ (May 2012)

Jerke, Daniel, Universität Wien. Project: "Polnische Asylbewerber im Westen während des Kalten Krieges" (Oct/Nov 2022)

Jürgenson, Dr. Aivar, Modern History, University Tallinn/Estonia. Research project „Dichotomie der freiwilligen und gewaltsamen Migration und der Identität und Ethnogenese der estnischen Diaspora-Gemeinden“ (July 2013)

Kamphoefner, Prof. Dr. Walter, Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas/USA. Research project "Westfalen in der neuen Welt. Eine Auswanderunggeschichte im 19. Jahrhundefrt" (Sept. 1998 - July 1999; May/June 2000; Juni 2001)

Kayaoğlu, Aysegul, Prof. Dr., Istanbul Technical University, FFVT-Fellow, Research Project: The economic integration of Syrian refugees in Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon and Germany (1.9.2022-31.12.2023)

Kondo, Prof. Junzo, Aichi University of Education, Kariya-City/Japan. Research project „Untersuchung des Wandels der deutschen Migrationspolitik seit der Schröder-Regierung“ (April/May2000)

Koryakin, Kirill, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow/Russia. PhD project „Die kulturellen Aspekte der Eingliederung von Wanderern und die Variation der Akkulturaltionsprozesse in den Gruppen verschiedener geografischer und kultureller Herkunft – Migranten aus der Türkei, der ehemaligen Sowjetunion und Übersiedler in Deutschland“ (September 2005 - January 2006)

Laborier, Pascale, Prof. Dr., Université Paris-Nanterre, Institut des Sciences sociales et du Politique UMR (July 2019)

Lacroix, Chantal, European Research Institute, University of Birmingham/UK. PhD project: "Transnationalism and Immigrant Integration in the UK and Germany: The Impact of Transnational Literature on Social Integration" (March - June 2006)

Malakhov, Vladimir S., Prof. Dr., The Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences, Project: "Post Communist Central Asia and its Migrants: Exploring the Dynamic of Political Imaginaries (Kyrgyz and Tajik cases)" (Sept-Dec 2022)

McCook, Brian, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK. PhD Project „Conflict and Concord: Ethnicity and Class in the Coal Mining Communities of the Ruhr and Northeastern Pennsylvania, 1880-1914“ (March - October 2001)

McQuistion, Ian, Ph.D. Student, Department of German, Nordic, and Slavic | German Program,
University of Wisconsin - Madison, Dissertation project "Home in a Foreign Land: Russian-Germans as Cultural and Political Citizens" (Sept. 2018 - Jul. 2019)

Miller, Jennifer, Rutgers University, New Brunswick/USA. PhD project „Einwanderung türkischer Gastarbeiter nach Deutschland 1961-1973“ (October 2005 - July 2006)

Morales Cardiel, Jorge, Dr., Project: "Differential experiences of forced displacement among Garifuna and Honduran mestizo ethnic groups migrating through Mexico to the United States" (May-July 2022)

Morgan, Associate Prof. Dr. Horatio M., Associate Professor of Global Management at the Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University. His expertise includes international entrepreneurship with a focus on immigrant entrepreneurs. Guest professor at IMIS in the course of the ISAP exchange between Ryerson University and Osnabrueck University (Nov.-Dez. 2017)

Muñoz Pérez, Dr. Enrique, Professor für Philosophie, Universidad Católica del Maule, Talca, Chile, Projekt zu Migration und Bildung in Chile (April 2016)

Noyes, Noelle, Amherst University, Mass./USA. PhD project „Integration von Spätaussiedlern und Aussiedlern in die deutsche Gesellschaft“ (August 2002 - November 2003)

Ostoyich, Kevin, Valparaiso University, Indiana/USA (June/July 2002)

Pahlavan, Prof. Dr. Tschangis, University of Teheran/Iran. Research project „Conflict and Transformation. New Forms of Nation-Building in Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan“ (May/June 2000)

Panayi, Prof. Panikos, University of Leicester/GB. Research projects on migration from Germany to Great Britain in the 20th century. (July/August 1994, July/September 1997, July/August 1998, March - August 2000; August/September 2001; Okt-Dez. 2014)

Pastorius, Franz, Davidson College, North Carolina/USA. PhD prject on the immigration and integration of foreign entrepreneurs in Germany (October 2006 - July 2007)

Pernice, Dr. Regina, Massey University, School of Health Sciences, Palmerston North, New Zealand. Research project on „Migration and Mental Health“ (September/October 2005)

Pfaffenthaler, Manfred, Graz University / Austria, Southeastern European History. Dissertation project: "Die Gastarbeiterroute. Wahrnehmung eines europäischen Migrationsweges" (March - June 2010)

Piscitelli, Dr. Adriana Gracia, Postdoc at Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Campinas, São Paulo/ Brasil (MISCOCO Visiting Fellow at IMIS: November 2015)

Piskorski, Prof. Dr. Jan M., Institute of History, University of Stettin/Poland. Research project: "Forced migrations in the 20th century" (Nov 2007 - Feb 2008; May 2009; Feb-May 2013, Oct. 2013-March 2014, Jan-March 2015, Jan/Feb 2016)

Portugueis, Diane, DAAD-Promotionsstipendiatin, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, PUC/SP, Brasilien (Sozialpsychologie), Dissertationsprojekt: "'Dort und hier'. Geschichten und Lebensprojekte von italo-brasilianischen Eisverkäufern in Deutschland" (April 2015 - Sept 2016)

Pumares Fernandez, Prof. Pablo, Universidad de Almería, Departamento Geografía, Historia y Humanidades (Januar 2014)

Randjelovic, Ivana, PhD candidate at Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia. Research on second generation migrants in Germany and Australia (June-November 2015)

Sanz Lafuente, Prof. Dr. Gloria, Universidad Pública de Navarra, Pamplona/Spanien, Projekt: "Beruflicher Aufstieg und Betriebszugehörigkeit spanischer Arbeitnehmer sowie Unternehmensgründungen von spanischen Migranten in der BRD 1965-1985"(Juli/August 2014)

Sarausad, Mary Rose, Dr., Asian Institute of Technology Bangkok, Thailand, FFVT-Fellow, Research Project: Assessment of Thailand’s Current Policy Response to Forced Displacement and Alternative Pathways for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in a Non-Signatory Country (1.9.-31.12.2023)

Schmidt, Clea, Assoc. Prof. Dr., University of Manitoba, Faculty of Education, Winnipeg/Canada. Book project: "Diversifying the Teaching Force in Transnational Contexts: Critical Perspectives" (Nov. 2014)

Schröder, Birte, Doktorandin am Interdisziplinären Institut für Umwelt-, Sozial und Humanwissenschaften der Europa-Universität Flensburg, Abteilung Geographie. Dissertationsthema "Über Normalisierungen und Marginalisierungen - eine rassismuskritische Perspektive auf Identitätsverhandlungen an Schulen" (Mai 2015)

Schult, Anne, New York University, Modern European History (2021)

Soehl, Thomas, University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Sociology (June/July 2008)

Soennecken, Dagmar, Associate Prof. Dr., York University, School of Public Policy & Administration & Department of Social Science, Toronto, Ontario, Canada ,Projekt: Monographie über die Rolle der Gerichte im Bereich Asyl in Kanada und Deutschland, 1949-2001 (Nov/Dec 2015, March/April 2016)

Sosna, Anna, University of Krakow / Poland, Cultural Sciences. PhD project „Kontakte zwischen deutschen Spätaussiedlern und polnischen Heimkehrern“ (2006-2011)

Soykan, Cavidan, Ankara University, IMIS Virtual Guest Scholar in 2021

Sunata, Ulas, Middle East Technical University, Ankara (PhD): „Highly Skilled Labour Migration („Brain Drain“): Historical Comparison between ICT-Specialists and Guest Workers from Turkey to Germany“ (2005-2010)

Stückemann, Ulf, Doktorand, Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) und IGLP Visiting Researcher, Harvard Law School, Dissertationsprojekt "The Lawfulness of Humanitarian Camps under International Law" (Oktober 2018 bis Juli 2019)

Tafesse, Prof. Dr. Tesfaye, Addis Ababa University/Ethiopia, Social Sciences / African Studies. Research project "Migration and Employment for Sustainable Development in Regional Economic Communities of Africa" (March/April and August-October 2013).

Thingstad, Maar, University of Bergen / Norway, Dept. of History. Master Thesis on the German integration and foreigner policies in the 1970s (November 2009)

Traoré, Moustapha, University of Abidjan/Cocody, Côte d’Ivoire. PhD project "Die Zuwanderung der Afrikaner in den deutschsprachigen Raum. Welche Vorteile für die Aufnahmeländer?“ (June/July 2011)

Tzfadia, Erez, Ben-Gurion-University/Israel. Research project „Spatial Absorption Policy in Israel and Germany (Russian-Jewish Immigrants and Aussiedler)“ (July/August 2003))

Ullah, Prof. Dr. AKM Ahsan, The American University, Cairo/Egypt (December 2012 - February 2013)

Van Oers, Ricky, Radboud University Nijmegen, Center for Migration Law. PhD project „Zustandekommen und Auswirkungen von Einbürgerungstests in den Niederlanden, Großbritannien und Deutschland“ (March/April 2008)

Wallem, Gesine, CERI/Sciences Po Paris und Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin (Sept.-Nov. 2016)

Weise, Julie, Assoc. Prof. Dr., University of Oregon, Department of History. Research Fellow der Profillinie Migrationsgesellschaften/Translationen von Migration am IMIS, 6/2019 bis 9/2020.

Wilkinson, Prof. Dr. Lori, Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology and Criminology, University of Manitoba-Winnipeg, Canada, Research on studies of racism, settlement, and integration among refugees and immigrant (May 2018)

Wintzer, Dr. Jeannine, Universität Bern, Geographisches Institut, Dozentin für qualitative Methoden (Juli 2014)

Yilmaz-Bayraktar, Dr. Bediz, Gastwissenschaftlerin am IMIS als Stipendiatin der Philipp-Schwartz-Initiative,  Details Urban Studies, Migrations- und Fluchtforschung (Feb. 2017-Okt. 2018)