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A1 The Production of the ›Others‹: (De-)Thematizing Migration-Related Difference
The project centers the analysis of the production and maintenance of (non-)migranticized figures and associated prejudice at the individual level. Figures are created, among other things, through the perception of categorical markers (e.g., skin colour, accent, name, gender) marking a difference to the self or to one's own group (›othering‹). Many people are aware of these categorical markers and address them whereas others make an effort not to notice these markers as not to create differences. In psychology, these two strategies are subsumed under the concepts of ›multiculturalism‹ and ›colourblindness‹. The project examines whether ›multiculturalism‹, ›colourblindness‹ and ›social deconstruction‹ affect the production of (non-)migranticized figures and associated prejudices and how salient figures in turn influence diversity strategies. ›Social deconstruction‹ is understood to denote a third, so far less studied strategy whereby categories are questioned as having been socially constructed.
In addition, the individual and socio-political motives for the three strategies 'multiculturalism', 'colourblindness' and 'deconstruction' are analysed. The paradox according to which (de)thematizating difference can be perceived as both racist and anti-racist will also be examined more closely. In this context, we follow up on the question towards which migrant figures people act in anti-racist manner and which negotiation processes take place when people are accused of racism.
The project further has a reflective component: As the project predominantly uses quantitative research methods, we will analyse beforehand whether the way in which questionnaires are phrased can affect the expression, formation or consolidation of attitudes. Of particular interest here is whether questionnaires can (re-)produce prejudices by evoking images of negative and threatening migranticized figures, and to what extent this is influenced by the salience of specific migranticized figures.