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IRTG, l-r: SFB 1604, Lukas Gruenke, Simone Reukauf

Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG)

Prof. Dr. Christine Lang

Christine Lang, Foto: Simone Reukauf

Project Leader
Social Geography
Osnabrück University

Prof. Dr. Helen Schwenken

Helen Schwenken, Foto: Simone Reukauf

Project Leader
Osnabrück University

Johanna Ullmann

Osnabrück University

The aim of the Integrated research training group (IRTG) is to enable the doctoral researchers to successfully complete a dissertation of well-above average quality within the funding period and to prepare them in the best possible way for the transition into academic or non-academic professional fields. In addition to structured individual supervision, the programme comprises four modules: a colloquium for regular discussion of the doctoral projects, a tailor-made programme of seminars and work-shops, the participation in the Reflexivity Lab, as well as the promotion of other key competences important for the qualification and visibility of the doctoral researchers.