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Johanna Ullmann, Foto: privat

Dr. Johanna Ullmann

University Osnabrück
Seminarstraße 19 a/b
Room 03/119
49074 Osnabrück

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Johanna Ullmann

Sociology & Gender Studies

Migration and gender, reception policies in Germany and Europe, labor market and care, organizations, comparative methods, intersectionality, postcolonial feminist theory

Dr. rer. soc., researches and teaches as a research assistant at the Chair of Migration and Society at IMIS at Osnabrück University. Since 02/2024 she has been working as a researcher in the Horizon Europe-funded international joint project  Link4Skills. She researches "skill and talent mobility partnerships" and is jointly responsible for coordinating the qualitative-empirical fieldwork of 14 transnational case studies in 12 countries. Since 04/2024 she has also been working as coordinator in the framework of the DFG Collaborative Research Center 1604 “Production of Migration” as coordinator of the  Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG). From 02/2023 to 03/2024, she was jointly responsible for the IMIB study advisory service. Prior to that, she worked on the sub-project “Is there a 'male bias' in the early labor market integration of refugee women?” as part of the MWK-funded research network  Gender, Forced Migration, Reception Policies (04/2017 to 08/2020). In recent years, she has gained teaching experience at Toronto Metropolitan University, the Université de Carthage (Tunis), the LMU Munich and the University of Osnabrück. She gained practical experience in gender equality and diversity work in German development, cultural and higher education policy as well as a trainer and consultant for (administrative and supporting) organizations. As an elected representative of the academic staff, she is a member of the IMIS Executive Board (in the team, since 04/2024). She is a (founding) member of the  Diversity Working Group at IMIS and a member of the  Immigration, Migrants and Labor Markets (IILME) Standing Committee of the IMISCOE network. She holds M.A. and B.A. degrees in Sociology, Gender Studies, Communication Studies and Arabic Studies from LMU Munich, Birzeit University (Ramallah) and the University of Damascus.

Joint research project "Link4Skills"

Project duration: 01/2024-12/2026, funding grant number: 101132476, 

Link4Skills is an international joint research project on skills shortages. The acronym reflects partnerships (“linkages”) for/4 fair skill matching. It embeds 4 processes of responding to skill shortage: Reskilling/upskilling of the local population (including migrants and non-working women), raising wages, automation/digitization and migration. It considers 4 continents: Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas, where skills/skilled labor demand and skilled labor mobility will be analyzed. Link4Skills will examine: (a) how to identify existing and emerging required skills needs in changing labor markets; (b) how the EU should respond to skills shortages; and (c) how to ensure that skills recruitment within the EU and from non-EU countries is fair and efficient? The project combines data on skill gaps and matching in the EU with analyses of human capital in origin countries and experiences and migration decisions of internationally mobile people in destination countries. It examines emerging and established corridors of migration of (future) skilled workers between Austria, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands and Poland and India, Indonesia, Ghana, Morocco, Nigeria, the Philippines and Ukraine in order to better understand transnational skill and talent mobility partnerships in their diversity and their mechanisms. The knowledge produced will be embedded in an AI-Assisted Skill Navigator, which is an open access knowledge-based expert system or policy dashboard.

Flyer on the research project

Flyer on the survey of internationally mobile people

Selected publications

Monograph/Edited volume

Nevra Akdemir, Johanna Elle, Elke Grittmann, Sabine Hess, Ulrike Koopmann, Daniela Müller, Helen Schwenken, H. Pınar Şenoğuz & Johanna Ullmann (2023): Gender, forced migration, reception policies. The gendered inclusion and exclusion of refugee women. Wiesbaden: Springer.

Johanna Ullmann (2024): The precarious inclusion of emancipation. Gender-specific labor-market integration projects for refugees in Germany from an intersectional perspective [Framework paper for the cumulative dissertation].

Scientific articles in journals (*: double-blind peer review)

*Katrin Menke & Johanna Ullmann (2024): Labor market participation through qualification? De-, dis- and special qualification of refugee women in the German vocational training system. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie - Austrian Journal of Sociology.

*Johanna Ullmann (2023): Labor-market integration projects targeting refugee women in Germany: How organizations with different inequality regimes negotiate economic integration. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies.

Johanna Ullmann (2021): Affective integration – Empowerment of low-income women in the Israeli labor market. Review of the book 'Economic citizenship: neoliberal paradoxes of empowerment' (2nd edition). New York: Berghan Books ($29.95, 260 pp.) by Amalia Sa'ar. Freiburger Zeitschrift für GeschlechterStudien (fzg), issue 27. no. 01/21, pp. 187-191.

Scientific contributions in anthologies

Johanna Ullmann & Helen Schwenken (2023): 'So that they have a chance on their way into the world of work!’ A comparison of labor market-related support projects for refugee women*. In: Nevra Akdemir, Johanna Elle, Elke Grittmann, Sabine Hess, Ulrike Koopmann, Daniela Müller, Helen Schwenken, H. Pınar Şenoğuz & Johanna Ullmann (eds.): Gender, forced migration, reception policies. The gendered inclusion and exclusion of refugee women, 115-155. Wiesbaden: Springer.

Johanna Ullmann (2023): 'I am able to work as a cosmetics saleswoman, but unfortunately I am not recognized' – Coping with professional (non-)recognition among refugee women* from an intersectional perspective. In: Ulrike Koopmann & Carla Schriever (eds.): Intersectional perspectives on forced migration and recognition, 165-194. Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Johanna Ullmann, Ulrike Lingen & Arezou Schulz (2020): Normative symbolic addressing to family and motherhood in the context of forced migration: Negotiation relationships of refugee women. In: Anna Buschmeyer & Claudia Zerle-Elsäßer (eds.): Complex family relationships. How the concept of 'family' is changing in the 21st century, 239-265. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot.

Other publications

Johanna Ullmann & Helen Schwenken (2025): Fieldwork handbook for the researching and interviewing team of work packages 3+4. Link4Skills [unpublished, 48 pages].

Johanna Ullmann & Helen Schwenken (2024): Country profile Germany. Migration and skill corridors. Link4Skills Country Profile Series.

Johanna Ullmann & Helen Schwenken (2023): Gender, work and forced migration: Projects on labor market access for refugee women. In: Oltmer, J., Berlinghoff, M., Düvell, F., Krause, U. & Pott, A. (eds.): Report Global Forced Migration 2023, 223-233. Fischer: Berlin.

Johanna Ullmann, Nadine Segadlo, Vera Hanewinkel & Marcel Berlinghoff (2023): Designing diversity-sensitive and discrimination-critical teaching settings. Guidelines for higher education teachers. IMIS Working Paper 16, Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS) at Osnabrück University. Osnabrück: IMIS.

Helen Schwenken & Johanna Ullmann (2019): The labor market participation of refugee women* - a central element of social participation. In: Research project ‘Gender, forced migration, reception policies’, Flüchtlingsrat Niedersachsen e.V., bbff: Bundesverband Frauenberatungsstellen und Frauennotrufe (ed.), ‘We want security’. Suggestions for a gender- and refugee-sensitive practice in dealing with refugee women*, 42-47.

Johanna Ullmann (2019): Language courses for refugee women: Conceptual and practical implications from a scientific perspective. In: Agency for Adult and Continuing Education (ed.) Education finds ways. Findings and impulses from the Lower Saxony state program for refugees 2015-2019, 103-113. wbv series: News from adult and continuing education.

Johanna Ullmann & Ulrike Lingen-Ali (2018): Refugee women in Germany. In Federal Agency for Civic Education (BpB), Policy brief on women in migration.

Folke Brodersen & Johanna Ullmann (2016): Materialitie/s and gender, conference report of the 6th annual conference of the professional association Gender Studies e.V., University of Bielefeld, February 12-13, 2016, Berlin. Soziopolis - Observing society. Hamburg Institute for Social Research.

Selected contributions to conferences

Johann Lindquist, Sandhya, A. S. & Johanna Ullmann: Discussion round "Researching infrastructures. New theoretical and methodological avenues" in the framework of the joint workshop "Researching infrastructures. Theoretical and methodological questions" (14.01.2025) of the IRTG-SFB 1604 "Production of Migration" (University Osnabrück) and the DFG-RTG 2951 "Cross-border labour markets: Transnational market makers, infrastructures, institutions" (University Bielefeld/University Duisburg-Essen).

Katrin Menke & Johanna Ullmann: Integration through qualification? De-, dis- and special qualification of refugee women in the German vocational training system. IMISCOE 2024, Migration as a social construction. A reflexive turn., 02.-05.07.2024, Lissabon.

Johanna Ullmann: 'It is difficult for refugees of both genders'. Reflections from a research project on gender, forced migration and the labor market. Lecture together with Helen Schwenken, 10.01.2019, as part of the lecture series, “Trans*Inter*Post"? - Gaps and reflection problems in (educational) difference and inequality research” at the Faculty of Education, University of Bremen. Link

Johanna Ullmann: Demand and support equal opportunities – Reflecting on researching labor-market integration of refugee women, lecture together with Ulrike Lingen-Ali as part of the workshop discussion “Shaping gender equality in the context of migration” organized by “G mit Niedersachsen” and the Office for Immigration and Integration of the City of Oldenburg on 18.10.2018 in Oldenburg. Link

Johanna Ullmann: Labor market integration projects for refugees. Analyzing state-led support from a gender perspective, lecture as part of the workshop “Welcoming culture in the migration society. Forced migration and regulation practices”, 02.-03.02.2018, Institute of Ethnology, LMU Munich: Munich. Link

Helen Schwenken, Katrin Huxel, Johanna Neuhauser, Consuelo Flores, Shari Heuer, Verena Hucke, Laura Lotte Lemmer, Katharina Schoenes, Catharina Wessing & Johanna Ullmann: Migration and gender: Current debates and ongoing research, panel discussion together, conference “Power, Body, Mobility. The research center for gender studies introduces itself”, 17.11.2017, Research Center for Gender Studies at Osnabrück University: Osnabrück. Link

Selected teaching courses

From summer term 24: Research colloquium of the Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG) of the Collaborative Research Centre 'Production of Migration' (with Helen Schwenken, Christine Lang and Xin Wang)

Winter term 2023/24: MA Empirical research project “Researching skills shortages and labor migration”

Summer term 2023: MA Practical exercise “Qualitative methods of social science migration research”

Winter term 2022/23: BA Seminar “Gender, forced migration, labor-market integration”

Summer term 2022: MA Seminar “Introduction to intersectionality research”

Summer term 2020: MA Seminar “Migration and culture – Approaching a contested field”

Summer term 2019: BA Seminar “Old new tensions – Introduction to sociological gender studies”