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Matthias Land

Matthias Land, M.A.
Osnabrück University
Seminarstraße 19 a/b
Raum 02/311
49074 Osnabrück
Tel.: +49 541 969 4182
Social Geography
Geographies of migration, reflexive migration research, knowledge production, urban geography
Scientific coordinator of the Collaborative Research Centre 1604 ›Production of Migration‹ and member of the Social Geography Working Group; previously research associate and research assistant for IMIS projects and the profile line ›Migration Societies‹; researcher at the Institute of Geography at Osnabrück University; research assistant at the IMIS Research Group ›The Production of Knowledge on Migration‹ and the DeZIM cooperation project ›Women with a migration background in civil society engagement (FemPart)‹; National Rapporteur for the Migration Research Hub ›CrossMigration‹. 2015-2018 PhD scholarship, IMIS Research Training Group ›The production of migration‹. 2014 Researcher at the Chair of Political Theory at the Helmut-Schmidt-University, Hamburg. Studied sociology, geography and political science at the University of Hamburg and Akdeniz Üniversitesi (Antalya).