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Daniel Heinz, M.A.
Osnabrück University
Collaborative Research Center 1604 "Production of Migration"
Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS)
Seminarstr. 19 a/b, room 03/E25b
D-49074 Osnabrück
phone +49 541 969 6086
Daniel Heinz
Sociology & Political Sciences
Post-Soviet Migration in Germany; Labor Movement in Germany; Russian (Neo-)Imperialism; Post-Colonial and Post-Shoah Theory; Gender Policies in International Sport; Queer Representation in Video Games
Research Associate in project A4 "Fragmentierte Arbeitswelten in der (Post-)Pandemie: Die Produktion von Ungleichheit durch Figuren migrantischer Arbeitskräfte“ (Prof. Dr. Hajo Holst)" of the SFB 1604 "Production of Migration“, IMIS member since September 2024.
I am a sociologist and political scientist with experience in both professional and voluntary roles within trade unions and migrant self-organization. As a research associa-te at the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS), my work focuses on the recruitment of post-Soviet migrant labor into Germany's logistics sector, examining how power dynamics and ascriptions shape the mediation of labor from third countries in the low-wage sector, and how intermediaries, employers, and workers navigate these structures. In addition to my academic pursuits, I am also active as a political educator, addressing topics such as Russia's war in Ukraine, the Israel-Palestine conflict in Germany, antisemitism, racism, and fascist radicalization.
Former jobs
- 2023-2024: Academic Staff, Dresden University of Technology, Institute for Political Science
- 2022-2023: Educational Consultant, Arbeit und Leben Berlin-Brandenburg DGB/VHS e. V., Berlin
- 2022: Educational Consultant, Arbeit und Leben NRW DGB/VHS e.V.
- 2021-2022: Academic Staff, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, Institute for Social Sciences
- 2021: Fellow, Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (ifa) - Kazakhstan, Almaty
- 2017-2021: Student Assistant, Justus Liebig University Giessen, Institute for Sociology
- 2016-2019: Bachelor of Arts - Social Sciences - Justus-Liebig University Gießen
- 2018: Exchange semester at the University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago
- 2019: Exchange semester at North-West University Potchefstroom, South Africa
- 2019-2021: Master of Arts - Gender, Intersectionality, and Politics - Free University of Berlin
- 2021: Exchange semester at the National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy"
- 2016-2021: Hans-Böckler-Stiftung scholarship
- Heinz, D. (2023). Welcome to my fantasy: queer desires and digital uto-pias. GenderErträge V, 50.
- Inopina, A., Kiriilova, V., Heinz, D., Kravatsova, V., Gruijc, M., Michelson, R., Klingenberg, D., & Speck, S. (2023). Materialistische Utopien und (post-)sozialistischer Feminismus: Ein Gespräch am virtuellen Küchentisch. In Kitchen Politics (Hrsg.), Die Neuordnung der Küchen: Materialistisch-feministische Entwürfe eines besseren Zusammenlebens (S. 67–90). Münster: Edition Assemblage.
- Heinz, D., & Neumaier, M. (2019). Den Arbeitskampf im Messenger führen. In C. Ludwig, H. Simon, & A. Wagner (Eds.), Entgrenzte Arbeit, (Un-)begrenzte Solidarität: Gewerkschaftliche Organisierung in neuen Dienstleistungsbranchen (S. 168–174). Verlag Westfälisches Dampfboot.
- Heinz, D. (2019). What Advantage Does Difference Make? Leveling the Imperial Playing Field. sprinkle: an undergraduate journal of feminist and queer studies, 12(1), 10.